J U L Y  - A U G U S T

Champion British Berries...

British berries are at their best right now. Delicious Blueberries, Raspberries and Blackberries all from Kent, plus Annabel’s Deliciously British Strawberries from Yorkshire. All are gold medallists!

The season for British Cherries is always too short and can be severely affected by the weather so make the most of them if and when the sun shines! Currently these Kent-grown ones are excellent quality.

There are also UK Gooseberries and Blackcurrants around currently.

Peas and Love (and Beans)...

After a later than usual start, fresh British Peas are plentiful and delicious. They are a sustainable product,  as less land is required to grow them plus they add vital nutrients which go back into the soil.


British Broad Beans, Runner Beans and Bobby Beans are also currently available.


All are packed full of nutrition and fibre.

also UK Grown...

Despite the cold Summer so far, we seem to be turning the corner (hopefully)  on some items. Although the water-logged fields earlier in the year severely delayed the planting of crops such as Broccoli and Cauliflowers, these items seem to be coming through in greater numbers now. Sadly, the same cannot be said for Potatoes and Carrots which remain less abundant and have stayed more expensive than in previous years. There is over 2 million tonnes of potatoes less this year than last year, which is a huge quantity. Nature will not be rushed, so expect issues to stay for a while.


British Sweetcorn in husks is a couple of weeks away (French-grown before then) which are a great Summer ingredient

Stunning Nutbourne Heritage Tomatoes remain in good supply and outdoor grown Rhubarb is plentiful currently.


Jersey Royals, Kale, all salad leaves, Celery, Radish, Watercress, Spring Onions, red Beetroot all remain UK grown. We will update you again in a few weeks once British Plums, Damsons and Squashes, amongst others, are in full swing.

from Elsewhere...

There are lots of different stonefruit around now which are juicy and delicious ranging from round Peaches and Nectarines, Apricots and both Flat/Donut Peaches/Nectarines.  French and Spanish Greengages have also just started.


On a hot, Summer’s day (if one ever arrives!) there is nothing quite like fresh Watermelon to refresh you and the Spanish ones now are perfect.


For something a bit different, these Tiger Lemons have a pinker and sweeter flesh.

Delica Squash has started to become available again, along with these vibrant coloured Cauliflowers.



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